1. české muzeum čokolády

Oldřichova 255/20, Prague 2, PHA, 12800
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  • Category: Museum
  • Address: Oldřichova 255/20, Prague 2, PHA, 12800
  • Accessibility (wheelchair accessibility):
  • building


General informations

  • Accessibility (wheelchair accessibility)
  • - The nearest public transport stop : TRAM - Albertov (D), 500-650 m
  • - The nearest wheelchair accessible public transport stop : TRAM - Albertov (D), 500-650 m
  • - The nearest metro station : B - Karlovo náměstí, 1.500 m
  • - The nearest wheelchair accessible metro station : C - Vyšehrad, 1.700-1.900 m
  • - Parking in the garage : No
  • - Parking on street : Yes
  • Wheelchair access to the building : Yes
  • Width of entrance door (cm) : 180
  • Wheelchair accesible entrance to the cash desk : No
  • Ramp : No
  • Platform : No
  • Stairs : No
  • Accessibility inside the building (wheelchair accessibility)
  • Wheelchair access in the building : No
  • Ramp : No
  • Platform : No
  • Stairs : Yes
  • - Number of steps : 2
  • Width of entrance door (cm) : 80
  • Comment to the accessibility
  • Wheelchair user enters an object by the passage  (width 180 cm) and over the terrace. From the terrace lead 2 steps into the museum  (11.5 and 10.5 cm high), the door is 80 cm wide. There is an accessible box office in the museum.The museum is divided into 9 parts. All rooms on the ground floor are wheelchair accessible (except for one gallery there are small rooms, all the doors are wide min. 80 cm), 8 +4 steps lead in to production of chocolate .The museum has not adapted and wheelchair accessible toilets.
  • Lift
  • Toilet (from sitting person view)
  • Toilet specially adapted for wheelchair users : No
  • Hall
  • Name of hall : sály v přízemí
  • - Hall is dicectly accessible : Yes
  • - Width of door (cm) : 80
  • All ground floor rooms have a door 80 cm wide. After entering the entire ground floor of the museum is accessible. Only to the chocolate factory is 3 cm high step.
  • Name of hall : výrobna čokolády
  • - Hall is dicectly accessible : No
  • - Number of steps to the hall : 12
  • Production of chocolate is in the basement and it is  accessible only by stairs. (8 + 4 steps, 16 cm high.)